Michel Heller

Psychotherapist Lausanne


Integrative psychotherapy that may use body techniques. The psychotherapy is aimed at enhancing you understanding of who you are, of managing your depression, anxiety and relational issues. I also give individual courses of relaxation and auto-regulation, or courses that allow one to become more explicitly aware of one’s communication style (analysis of nonverbal communication).



Books of Michel Heller

  • Body Psychotherapy

    history, concepts & methods

    New York: W.W. Norton, 2012

    more info + order
  • Flesh of the Soul

    The body we work with

    Bern: Peter Lang, 2001

    more info + order
  • Psychothérapies corporelles

    Fondements et pratiques

    Louvain: DeBoeck, 2008

    more info + order
  • Körperpsychotherapie

    Geschichte - Konzepte - Methoden

    Erschienen im Oktober 2017

    more info + order
  • La Méduse

    ou le monde reichien de Gerda Boyesen

    Les Editions Biodynamiques

    more info order
  • L'organisme intime

    Approches psychocorporelles des troubles fonctionnels


    more info + order
Michel Heller

Michel Heller, Docteur in psychology & sport
Psychologist & Psychotherapist AVP/FSP/EABP

Rue des Longs Prés 38
CH-3960 Sierre, Valais

Languages spoken : English & French

Click on Contact to contact me

painted by Joanna Raphael